How are these proportions distributed?
Ordering a ride via the Uber or Bolt application is almost as popular in Poland as telephone taxing. 50% of customers practice using the former method, the remaining 53% (there are people who use both).
Recent market research in Poland shows that global trends shaping mobility are also fully present in Poland. I am talking about the so-called convenience trend, ie the need for convenience, usability and simplicity in using services and products. It focuses on the quality and availability of fast and easy transport “here and now”.
People over 50 usually choose conventional taxis (and over 64 – almost exclusively). And most often they call them in an equally classic way, ie by telephone – 78 percent do so. persons running this means of transport. As many as 81% of people using only taxis do not have an application for ordering a trip installed. These customers are most often motivated for security reasons – mainly reluctance to provide personal data and payment card numbers in the application.
In the case of conventional taxis, the main advantage (50% of the total number of responses) of the respondents was the ability to connect by phone. The respondents also appreciate the sense of security provided by proven, licensed taxi drivers. High prices (48%), no cost information (36%), no driver rating (27%) and no route information (27%) were identified as major disadvantages.
On the other hand, there are passengers under the age of 35. Among them, the advantage of applications is very clear – 47% order passenger transport this way. respondents from this group, traditional taxis – only 34%.
Respondents consider low prices to be the greatest advantages of transport from the application – 44% of all indications (the fact that applications are cheaper was also confirmed by control checks *). Another advantage is the possibility to order the course via the application (39% of responses), which is especially appreciated by young consumers.
37% of the respondents indicated that the application’s advantages were quick and cashless settlement of the course. It allows you to leave the vehicle immediately upon arrival, without the driver having to drive the terminal or having to look for a change to deliver. In taxis, the end of the course takes longer.