Expert Interview In Poland
Stratega thanks to many years of trust-based contacts with representatives of various industries, offers expert interviews in all sectors of the economy. We maintain constant cooperation with university professors, directors of scientific institutions, journalists specializing in the economy, scientists, directors of government agencies, and speakers at industry conferences. We also work with a number of other people with extensive knowledge of specialized areas of the economy: FMCG , market pharmaceutical , automotive, or real estate.
Our interviews allow you to answer questions, find solutions and evaluate new products. They also point to potential areas where these products and services can be successful. They also help in identifying unmet needs and broadly analyze legal norms and other factors influencing the success of the venture.
By adjusting the survey to the client’s needs and marketing goals, the interviews can be carried out using various methods. In particular, we recommend in-depth individual interviews – both during face-to-face meetings ( e.g. in our focus room in the center of Warsaw ), in the version by phone or online. You can also interview experts in the form of focus groups