Exciting news! Our team from Stratega Market Research – represented by Łukasz Wdowiak and Tom Rees, will be attending one of the premier market research conferences on May 8-9th. We’re happy to announce our participation in Quirks London 2024, where professionals from Europe and beyond converge to exchange insights, explore emerging trends, and delve into innovative data collection and analysis techniques. It’s not our first time at Quirk’s Event – you can read more about 2023 conference here.

We are committed to harnessing data for strategic decision-making, and we’re eager to engage with industry leaders at Quirks London.

Attendees can select from a plethora of learning opportunities, ranging from exploring cutting-edge technologies in market research to delving into ethical considerations in data collection and discovering innovative approaches for data analysis. During two days of conference you can attend enlightening keynote speeches, informative panel discussions, and engaging workshops. More detailed description is available here: https://thequirksevent.com/london-2024/.

What else does Quirk’s London offer?

Beyond the educational sessions, Quirks London is a great occasion for networking with fellow industry professionals. You can explore services and products provided by vendors showcased in the exhibit hall, and attend numerous networking events that are scheduled throughout the conference.

Stratega aims to gain insights into current trends and industry best practices in market research, forge connections with fellow experts, and bring back valuable knowledge and inspiration to further our growth and success. We hope to find it all at Quirks London!

A prime chance to catch up with researchers from diverse companies

Quirks London conference presents a unique opportunity to connect and network with industry professionals. Market research conferences allow us to interact with individuals who share our passion for research, gaining insights into the fresh trends and technologies. Collaborating with peers that are sharing the same passions not only expands our expertise but also fosters meaningful relationships. Moreover, conferences often offer seminars and panel discussions by industry leaders, providing invaluable perspectives on the future of market research. Altogether, attending such conferences is instrumental in our continual learning, professional development, and networking within the field.

Don’t miss out – visit Stratega at Quirk’s Event in London!

We’re eager to hear about your experiences and insights from Quirks London 2024. If you’re attending, be sure to connect with our market research specialists to share your thoughts and experiences. Join Stratega at Quirk’s Event London! We will be waiting for you at our booth!

And if you can’t make it this time, don’t worry – we’ll catch you at future industry events!

Published On: February 9th, 2024 at 5:32 AM