Online buyers are 56% of all internet users surveyed
Among buyers, there are slightly more people under 50 years old, with higher education and higher earners. Almost every fourth Polish e-consumer is shopping in foreign online stores. These are some of the data from the E-Commerve report in Poland.
There are representatives of all age groups, in the group of respondents who shop online. With different levels of education and income per household, differently assessing their economic situation. Comparing to those who declare not to be online, we can notice a slight advantage of people under 50. Those with higher education and good assessment of the financial situation of their household.
Online shopping behaviors of the respondents differ in terms of the categories chosen or the frequency of their purchase
It depends on the sex, age, education or economic status of the Internet user. Considering the last 12 months, men – compared to women – are characterized by greater interest in specifi categories. They are phones, smartphones, tablets, GSM accessories and cinema / theater tickets. People over 50 years of age they buy more often pharmaceutical products. The other category are construction and finishing materials. People under the age of 24 buy tickets to the cinema / theater, clothing and accessories.
Online buyers generally have a very high opinion about online market research agency in Poland and shopping and this opinion is improving. They are primarily seen as uncomplicated and comfortable. Also cheaper and taking less time than buying in traditional stores. This year’s respondent’s opinion has mostly improved in the term of the perception of online shopping safety and their ease and convenience.
Over half (54%) of respondents declare online shopping on Polish websites, while shopping on foreign websites makes 23%.
Among the general shopping users, both on Polish and foreign websites, one can see the dominance of people with higher education.
When it comes to problems encountered by consumers when shopping online, they are most often associated with three areas. Long waiting for delivery, intrusive advertisements of products previously seen by buyers and high delivery costs. These are the elements most often indicated by all buyers, but at the same time apparently less problematic for the oldest people. They much less frequently indicate any problems during the purchasing process.
There are three most important elements influencing the Internet users’ decisions about choosing a particular place where they make an online purchase. An attractive price of the product, low shipping / delivery costs and previous positive experiences of the buyers. Attractive price of the product was indicated by 51% as the most important element while choosing the product.
The respondents also indicated elements that could encourage them to buy online more often. These are primarily two attributes related to purchasing costs. Lower delivery costs (67%) and lower prices than in traditional stores (58%).